Ramadan is the best time for a smoker to finally quit...
Exactly TB,the issue here is that a lot of people...
UKEngQat it is not how i understand or understood,but...
That looks like a quick iftar snack! TFS.
Ghazalz that's nice to know!
Looks delicious!.I love fish and seafood in general.I...
Masha ALLAH.But my child,that's not the direction of...
UkEngQatar allow me to clarify this to you.Saints...
Jazaak ALLAH khair.
UkEngQatar Islam does not recognize saints or the...
Ramadan is the best time for a smoker to finally quit...
Exactly TB,the issue here is that a lot of people...
UKEngQat it is not how i understand or understood,but...
That looks like a quick iftar snack! TFS.
Ghazalz that's nice to know!
Looks delicious!.I love fish and seafood in general.I...
Masha ALLAH.But my child,that's not the direction of...
UkEngQatar allow me to clarify this to you.Saints...
Jazaak ALLAH khair.
UkEngQatar Islam does not recognize saints or the...