No Gypsy woman we are not saying that you shouldnt be...
But darude on QL we all thought u were one sick rude...
silvia perhaps you should give your no. out to random...
YE who has not sinned before shall cast the first stone...
Thats exactly my point gypsy woman...the girl that...
lol Alexa exactly my point :)
Good Fortune...
here's what i dont understand. Any girl will NOT give...
FS since your so generous today howz about transferring...
do like us indians do..say NAMASTE and join hands like...
I swear Rizks match stiks like good old college days,...
No Gypsy woman we are not saying that you shouldnt be...
But darude on QL we all thought u were one sick rude...
silvia perhaps you should give your no. out to random...
YE who has not sinned before shall cast the first stone...
Thats exactly my point gypsy woman...the girl that...
lol Alexa exactly my point :)
Good Fortune...
here's what i dont understand. Any girl will NOT give...
FS since your so generous today howz about transferring...
do like us indians do..say NAMASTE and join hands like...
I swear Rizks match stiks like good old college days,...