Seems like we are in the wrong thread sandeep, you know...
Labda said"smoke, what has his level of fame got to do...
No labda seems to care just coz he was a famous boyzone...
So labda if YOU are feeling sorry for him why do YOU...
haha Rizks Andrew does seem to be missing in action...
WitchStix your big sack for a hand bag isnt enough to...
Labda do not confuse my jest for lack of respect to a...
Saggi you have it all wrong! i never said i never...
OMGWTFLMNOPXYZ in the world is happening here! I asked...
Labda, if he was a common man walking down the street...
Seems like we are in the wrong thread sandeep, you know...
Labda said"smoke, what has his level of fame got to do...
No labda seems to care just coz he was a famous boyzone...
So labda if YOU are feeling sorry for him why do YOU...
haha Rizks Andrew does seem to be missing in action...
WitchStix your big sack for a hand bag isnt enough to...
Labda do not confuse my jest for lack of respect to a...
Saggi you have it all wrong! i never said i never...
OMGWTFLMNOPXYZ in the world is happening here! I asked...
Labda, if he was a common man walking down the street...