Arkiegirl, as a native of this country you will...
PM, you have no idea how wonderful it is to see you...
Ah, now I am against capital punishment.
I disagree with a five year sentence for treason. If...
Treason carrie a life sentence in most countries. It...
Vegas, the best way not to see that word again is to...
Treason carries a high penalty in most countries....
My perspective is that he committed treason against my...
Dr. Sarah's which has moved and is now next to Glow and...
Vegas, I'm sure no-one means to offend. Everyone likes...
Arkiegirl, as a native of this country you will...
PM, you have no idea how wonderful it is to see you...
Ah, now I am against capital punishment.
...I disagree with a five year sentence for treason. If...
Treason carrie a life sentence in most countries. It...
Vegas, the best way not to see that word again is to...
Treason carries a high penalty in most countries....
My perspective is that he committed treason against my...
Dr. Sarah's which has moved and is now next to Glow and...
Vegas, I'm sure no-one means to offend. Everyone likes...