Don't be fooled. Communism is a form of dictatorship...
Bad boy Mr. Paul. Diamondism does not allow such...
Adey, only if they are very good boys...Diamondism is...
Ah, my first convert! You will get a very...
Silly Xena, the man of your choice will be provided to...
Oi vey!...couldn't find any kosher cream cheese...some...
Alexa, on my screen Jauntie's comment is in full. No...
Shalom my chosen people.
Diamondism. Any takers?
Ok, Ok, I give up...I promise no more bagels...
Don't be fooled. Communism is a form of dictatorship...
Bad boy Mr. Paul. Diamondism does not allow such...
Adey, only if they are very good boys...Diamondism is...
Ah, my first convert! You will get a very...
Silly Xena, the man of your choice will be provided to...
Oi vey!...couldn't find any kosher cream cheese...some...
Alexa, on my screen Jauntie's comment is in full. No...
Shalom my chosen people.
Diamondism. Any takers?
Ok, Ok, I give up...I promise no more bagels...