Cool & The Gang, Alpha, Jimmy Somerville, Howard...
The 80's was awesome, I have no idea why but...
Hang on a mo... I had a mobile phone in my car in 86,...
Errrr.... yes the 80's did have windows. And who can...
Ahhhh yes the 80's.... I read about those in history....
Well done Ram, I am very grateful for you taking the...
The news is all bad I'm afraid. I am sorry to have got...
UkEngQatar and I are looking at a possibility. I will...
UkEngQatar if you have a venue I will kiss you on all...
Lol... nice one edifis... If I didn't need the...
Cool & The Gang, Alpha, Jimmy Somerville, Howard...
The 80's was awesome, I have no idea why but...
Hang on a mo... I had a mobile phone in my car in 86,...
Errrr.... yes the 80's did have windows. And who can...
Ahhhh yes the 80's.... I read about those in history....
Well done Ram, I am very grateful for you taking the...
The news is all bad I'm afraid. I am sorry to have got...
UkEngQatar and I are looking at a possibility. I will...
UkEngQatar if you have a venue I will kiss you on all...
Lol... nice one edifis... If I didn't need the...