Damn it.... Now I have to write a new list, and inform...
Well now I can count 4 in Qatar based upon the above...
Toooooo late Rizks, the mail for everyone has been...
At the moment know one know who is behind this MJ. But...
Not more Jurassic Jokes?
What both of you?
Me likes ;)
Ok people... form an orderly cue to bash Sean
What did I do?
Best pop that hard hat on now Sean, for you are sure to...
Damn it.... Now I have to write a new list, and inform...
Well now I can count 4 in Qatar based upon the above...
Toooooo late Rizks, the mail for everyone has been...
At the moment know one know who is behind this MJ. But...
Not more Jurassic Jokes?
What both of you?
Me likes ;)
Ok people... form an orderly cue to bash Sean
...What did I do?
Best pop that hard hat on now Sean, for you are sure to...