
By timebandit •
As disclosed in a previous thread, the impending QLleaks which could be published any moment now, have already caused several QL users to quit and run for the hills.
QLleaks will be publishing all of QLs Private Messages (PMs) between all users, and as such many dark secrets are expected to be revealed.
But who should be the most concerned? Who is already in the process of changing their ID. And who is going to throw themselves in front of a train (as soon as Qatar has one) rather than face the embarrassment of others seeing what they get up to away from the forums.
Watch this space :|
saboor saboor ! :(
Damn busy, this pm's are not even getting deleted.
Stuck like some super glue in my INbox.....:(
pssssshhhh FA, there's probably a Do Not Disturb sign hanging on his cubicle door.. it'll take him a while to delete all those PMs.. :P
looks like Rizks is busy deleting PM.... ;)
Britexpat, only Rizks is bothered, worried and scared to death. :)
Do we really care about a fellow Qler's incontinence problem ?
LOL bubbly !
It would look like i am wearing some kinda scarf...:(
why don't you just brush it up to your head? :p
bubbly i promise, when i meet you i will apply some Gel to it and also put a hair clip to look more pretier...:(
Can we meet now ? :(
that was gross Rizks. Me not interested meeting you anymore. :(
bubbly, are you kidding me? he did not even bother combing it so it was all tangled up... and I can tell he did not even use conditioner.. :P
More Updates leaked...:(
FlyingAce was not allowed to fly the plane last evening to AUH....
He forgot to wear his pants....:(
is it braided?
Updated leak...
Yesterday night jack slept outside in his Wife's car.
He never got the car serviced... ;)
Rizkz cant reach with his razer/trimmer there because of excessive biceps- Bella use to do it for him but she she dumbed him last winter.
source http//:QLleak.com/rizkz/hairs
lol Rizks, they were so long they reach as far as your ankles.... :P
hahaha Jalebi !
u blind lizard, tat was my shirt's thread popping out due to wear and tear.....:)
no Rizks but at the last coffee meet, you were sitting on your chair and while you raised your hand to call the waiter, I saw some purple strands peeping out of your sleeve! :P
lol gloomy !
Yucks Jalebi ! :(
When did you notice that ?
I didnt hugged you in the last meet, did i ? :(
in the meantime, ill just wait for the private messages to be leaked out.. lol! :P
No thanks Rizks, I've had my share of nightmares brought by you. :p
FA, in the armpits? and they're dyed purple??? :P
Rofl FA ! hahaha
bubbly u want me to send you too ? :)
Latest leaks..
Rizks, has hair but confusing part is where.... ;)
I should know you'll do that Rizks! :/
A friendsheep PM already sent to TB ! :)
lol at the last one FS.. :P
lol FS! :))
latest QLleak... Britexpat is not actually a brit he is from Somali..:)
WK has a long list of QL females who is waiting for a date with him..:)
mj is actually born in US but brought up in Kerala..:)
Arien was ex Mr.India..:)
TB is a hot labanese Gal..:)
I'm busted.... yet again :-(
What a timing by Guru. Admin is trying to stop the leak it seems lol
that guru is killing me softly. :(
Ooooh Smoke, I'm intrigued...
If this were true, half the people commenting here would be seen in a brand new light...its funny how they are one thing on the threads and something else in real. Waiting for one such hypocrite to post up here lol.
guru is trying to save rizks MJ :)
Guru Maiyaa, i lub u so much ! :(
Plz dont repeat this again...
the Guru is conspiring with the QLleaks mastermind... :P
damn you Guru, I keel you!! :P
lol brit... :P
They are getting worried already..
The hackers attempted to takeover QL resulting in the crash
I have just seen one of the QLeaks..
Apparently, the bookies stopped taking bets on mjamille coming 2nd in the TT about an hour before the match.. Large sums of money is supposed to have changed hands..
yes MJ that is one leaked information for QL :D
lol somwer and bubbly... :P
Arien, now you know what to get Rizks for Christmas :P
ok ok deepb, dont get angry ! :(
He was just asking you normally.....:)
MJ rofl.. true being a pervert and flexisexual nothing will work for Rizku :P
so you have a teenie weenie rizks? :D
hehehe gloomy ! :)
Arien, that won't hold for long.. get him a glue gun or something better... how about a soldering gun? :P
I am not back and I was never even here in the first place. Neither did you see me, nor do I exist. It's all just the mind playing tricks on you.
you mean Rizks needs to replace "his leaking unit"?? I doubt if he still could find an XXXXXXXSmall Size. No one manufactures such nowadays. :(
Ariel thanks buddy !
but i am using my Finger......:)
follow the corrective actions as said by Translator and arrest your leaks.
Rizkz I have sent you some M-seal with ma office boy to stop your leak.
Deepb is back after such a long time ?? welcome back deepb
Corrective action for leaks
Leaks are often repaired by plugging the leaking holes or using a patch to cover them. Leaking tires are often fixed this way. Leaking gaskets, seals, washers, or packing can be replaced. Use of welding, soldering, sealing, or gluing may be other ways to fix leaks. Sometimes, the most practical solution is to replace the leaking unit.
that was cool MJ & SNM!
Deepb is missed. :)
QLleaks made leaks in my pants.....:(
too late rizks, I'm transcribing the details right now :D
too late Rizks, a copy of your PMs have already been sent out to your Bella... :P
I'll be one of the witnesses for Rizks arraignment. :) I'll make sure he'll be in jail. :))
NOTE Disclaimer: Dear Brothers and their Sisters.
As the masters of QLleaks has already copied my PM's from my beloved Inbox and soon will be posting here, i would like to confess to all the bootifool ladies with whom i hav shared my happniness, sorrows and almost everything....:) and would like to promise you all ladies tat if my QL ID dies...:( i will be reborn again....lol
deeepb came out of hibernation after seeing the QLleaks...:)
MJ TB Assange will be opening a link QLleak.com and revealing one by one. Rizkz tops the list
TB...I kept it Top secret... how did it leak???
Disclaimer - Anything that may be leaked about me is purely fictional and not related to real characters.
LOL Arien, when's the arraignment?
Toooooo late Rizks, the mail for everyone has been harvested already.
No Rizkz they are being copied already. send the lungi to your jaddy buddy pajju ;)
deepb...Holy Mouse !
Its you again, where the gulf, are you ? :)
oh no! repent rizks! lol!
wait wait !
lemme delete my Inbox before the intruders attack ! :(
Ariel ! :(
Ohh my life Saver, plz do something for me !:(
I shall honor you with a new Kadak, Embroided Lungi.
eh Rizks, high time to clean up your inbox. :p
TimeBandit Assange you are booked. :)
Rizkz is hunting for some poison to suicide before his zillion pervert meassages sent to men n women of QL are out.
hmmm we need more clues Sherlock.. :P
At the moment know one know who is behind this MJ. But it is thought to be someone who works in IT, is a real busy body, and has had a lot of deletions on QL recently.
Oh Mi Goat ! :(
How can they do this ?
I hav tons of PM's in my inbox sharing good and bad things with many galz....:(
No No plz, spare me...m just as innocent as a Peigon...:(
and who is the mastermind behind all this?