Monkey where are you? This is the part where you jump...
And you promised to give me your car.
Oh.... forgotten that as well have you?
Rizks when are you going to give me back that QR 1,000...
Cue the monkey....
I think I gave my money to Gucci
Thanks for that athar83
I love my WD Live.
In the UK it's called a corner shop
The monkey has not woken up yet
Monkey where are you? This is the part where you jump...
And you promised to give me your car.
Oh.... forgotten that as well have you?
Rizks when are you going to give me back that QR 1,000...
Cue the monkey....
I think I gave my money to Gucci
Thanks for that athar83
I love my WD Live.
In the UK it's called a corner shop
The monkey has not woken up yet