Hi again. Unfortunately Salam Plaza is the only outlet...
Hi. Nice to hear from you. May I Ask are your...
go to qtel.com.qa then click "products and services "...
Hi Master-mas. Did you try looking through Qtel website...
Photpgrapher 2009, who started this thread, has not...
If he is going to spend around 32k, perhaps he is...
Hmmmm, that lady in black seems to have upset a few...
Hi there
Salam Plaza will be the only one having...
Master Jay, I wanna say thank you for reading my...
That will work of sourse, but I never actually made it...
Hi again. Unfortunately Salam Plaza is the only outlet...
Hi. Nice to hear from you. May I Ask are your...
go to qtel.com.qa then click "products and services "...
Hi Master-mas. Did you try looking through Qtel website...
Photpgrapher 2009, who started this thread, has not...
If he is going to spend around 32k, perhaps he is...
Hmmmm, that lady in black seems to have upset a few...
Hi there
Salam Plaza will be the only one having...
Master Jay, I wanna say thank you for reading my...
That will work of sourse, but I never actually made it...