TTFN: Ta Ta For Now SWAK: Sealed With a Kiss...
A second on the lips, forever on the hips. I know it...
Or "Walk Like an Egyptian" by Susanna Hoff. Sorry...
They have to be QLers, so why don't you make sure you...
haaaaaaaaaaa, you really made me LOL.
Are you suggesting that there are regulations in place...
Kelly, it took me only 1 year and 50 weeks to believe...
Well thanks for reminding me of my
You look pretty, that's all I know..:)
You too got his message!
TTFN: Ta Ta For Now
SWAK: Sealed With a Kiss...
A second on the lips, forever on the hips. I know it...
Or "Walk Like an Egyptian" by Susanna Hoff. Sorry...
They have to be QLers, so why don't you make sure you...
haaaaaaaaaaa, you really made me LOL.
Are you suggesting that there are regulations in place...
Kelly, it took me only 1 year and 50 weeks to believe...
Well thanks for reminding me of my
...You look pretty, that's all I know..:)
You too got his message!