neither one of the days. On third day.
Not surprised, heard of such cases alot of times....
Another thing is, (talking of hijab) alot of women that...
Alexa, yes u r right. I answered this even before,...
lol this is stupid...
-------- You know,...
U r most welcome :)
I'm up
-------- You know, that you are...
britexpat, generalization is done based upon statistics...
An animal with brains and decency to cover my body like...
Rami, yup they both r at blame. I would also agree if...
neither one of the days. On third day.
Not surprised, heard of such cases alot of times....
Another thing is, (talking of hijab) alot of women that...
Alexa, yes u r right. I answered this even before,...
lol this is stupid...
You know,...
U r most welcome :)
You know,...
I'm up
You know, that you are...
britexpat, generalization is done based upon statistics...
An animal with brains and decency to cover my body like...
Rami, yup they both r at blame. I would also agree if...