Why Men Have Affairs

By fieryangelinthesky

Why Men Have Affairs
Written by Stephany Alexander

There are many different kinds of reasons for men to have affairs. Forces such as sexual attraction, companionship, excitement and curiosity can pull men toward affairs. Affairs are often glamorized in movies, romance novels, soap operas, and TV shows. Public disclosure of public figures having affairs is headline news because people are fascinated and titillated by hearing about others' affairs. Men are bombarded with images of women as sex objects in advertising and marketing campaigns. Over and over, the message to men is that the good life includes a procession of sexy women in their lives. Women inadvertently buy into this image and struggle to achieve it. The lack of good sex education and the existence of sexual taboos combine to make it difficult to talk honestly about sex.

Truly speaking, women seem to be better cheaters than men: they are better at keeping their affairs under wraps and generally have an agenda for their infidelity. Some affairs occur because the cheating parties truly want to leave their established partner, particularly when they are married. However, very few married men leave their wife for their mistress! That is, unless their wife finds out and leaves. The Bureau of Justice Statistics states that on an average, there are more than three women who gets murdered by their husbands or boyfriends every day. If your partner is not willing to seek help for his abusive behavior, your only option is to leave or get divorced.

According to a poll of over 400 women conducted by WomanSavers.com, love and intimacy is the number one reason why women have affairs, followed by sex, money and finally excitement. The differences in why women and men have affairs are varied with women seeking emotional fulfillment and most men seeking sexual fulfillment.

The top 10 reasons why men have affairs include:

1. More sex (sometimes due to lack of sex in their relationship)

2. Sexual variety through different partners or different sexual experiences

3. Too boost their ego to feel special or still attractive to the opposite sex

4. For the thrill of the chase

5. Opportunistic sex (if the opportunity occurs, they can’t pass it up)

6. To sabotage their current relationship

7. Revenge (to get back at their partner for one reason or another)

8. A feeling of entitlement (the belief they are entitled because they work hard or are the bread winner)

9. Sexual addiction

10.To escape

There is no such thing as a perfect affair. Keeping an on-going affair is a juggling act of covering up lies, explaining time away, and dealing with associated guilt feelings. The cheater becomes consumed by guilt and sometimes lashes out even more at their partner. If you are involved in an affair, respect yourself and your partner enough to get out.

By heero_yuy2• 26 Jun 2008 18:15

Brain hard-on, I mean.

"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

By heero_yuy2• 26 Jun 2008 18:08

It was Eve who gave the fruit to Adam that was forbidden and it was Eve who got tempted first by the 'serpent' to lure Adam...not the other way around...


"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

By chunk03• 26 Jun 2008 07:53

As long as we have male and females walking this planet, there will always be affairs, both sex are like a jigsaw, we fit together perfectly in a material way, its just some people want to place there piece of jigsaw into as many jigsaws as they can, and some are a little more picky!!

Any female wanna play jigsaw with me??

Only joking ladys......or am i!! haha.

By britexpat• 26 Jun 2008 06:31

easily led astray by the female of the species...

Putty in their hands..Woman smiles, gestures, makes overtures - all reasoning goes out of the window. Hormones take over. Trouser snake develops a mind of its own. And Bob's your uncle..

By anonymous• 26 Jun 2008 06:17

Gypsy said: You blame the women ...

You blame the women thexonic?? Why the hell can't men keep it in their pants?

We can keep it in the pants, because we need it for irrigation purposes once in a while.....Don't you think? Instead of squatting down.....

By SouthLand• 26 Jun 2008 05:21

on this thread and stir up the pot.

Story from an Italian male:

"Women can only have one man, because men are like a child and need to be looked after (so much work: cook, clean, iron, etc.). Women need their man to range around a little so they have someone else they can complain to about what a jack@ss he is". :P

By thexonic• 25 Jun 2008 14:44

Another thing is, (talking of hijab) alot of women that travel from middle east or Iran to any country outside the boundries of islam countries, they remove the hijab.


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By thexonic• 25 Jun 2008 14:40

Alexa, yes u r right. I answered this even before, Islam is forced upon them, they wern't given a choice to follow. Secondly, the men who approach them are not sane in my opinion or they dont have self respect.


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By fieryangelinthesky• 25 Jun 2008 08:41

why men do have affairs because of EGO, the more girls that a man have, the more MACHO and ADONIS he is.

How to Find Your One True Love????? (http://onetruelovenetwork.com/)

By thexonic• 25 Jun 2008 05:34

U r most welcome :)


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By stress_in_babel• 25 Jun 2008 01:32

mostly, men have affairs because they want to feel important and allmighty, women because they no longer love their husband. but there's always more than just one answer and more than just one reason from each side.

but what do you think about married muslim women, wearing the modesty clothing which is abaya and desperately running after other women's husbands?? lol i have just one thing to say: HYPOCRISY!!!!!!

By KellysHeroes• 25 Jun 2008 00:29

and want to try something other than masturbation


===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409

By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 22:07

"Alexa said Gyps...it is the cycle ...

Gyps...it is the cycle thing....happens on QL...remember...soon Renee will be back, airsupply will yet come with another name,the same with mir etc,etc, etc....just the usual, you know."

But of course she knows! You are talking to DohaGirl, remember??!

By Zenon• 24 Jun 2008 19:27

good 2 see you have a lion that you cover and keep in a cage.

By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 19:21

An animal with brains and decency to cover my body like a human being. If I was weak i'd be sleeping with a woman right now, but I have control over my desires hence i can keep my lion in the cage.


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By Zenon• 24 Jun 2008 18:55

lol sorry my better half does not agree :)

By Maaya• 24 Jun 2008 18:52

Men are Poligamy

Women are Monogamy.

Dont argue , its science, ask them. Hope this suffices answer everyone.

By DaRuDe• 24 Jun 2008 18:43

  i didnt say every single women in abaya.

but yea if you go to bahrain you will see for yourself girls in abaya what they do. oh and you might have heard the stories about the KSA girls too which is a the most strict according to sharia law and what do they do. Al Jazeera had a very good coverage of that too you might find that whole report still on Youtube. why do they do that just to get attention.



By Zenon• 24 Jun 2008 18:12

What are you thexonic? an animal or a man? The difference being you can control your base desires if you wish. Don't blame women and what they choose to wear for your lack of self control. If you do it just means you are weak.

By Peppermint• 24 Jun 2008 18:12

Spanky -- riding horses can also cause "LOW BACK PAIN". ;)

Don't settle at being ordinary. Life is too precious. Enjoy. Have fun. Spend. Travel. Shop. Love. Fight. There's nothing wrong with being REAL.

By spanky1423• 24 Jun 2008 18:04

though i love horseback riding....

spanky to the BATCAVE!!!http://www.qatarliving.com/user/spanky1423

spanky1423's picture

By Peppermint• 24 Jun 2008 18:03

because they want to test their DRIVING SKILLS...

Driving from one women to another & the results.. ACCIDENTS (broken family & unwanted child)

Don't settle at being ordinary. Life is too precious. Enjoy. Have fun. Spend. Travel. Shop. Love. Fight. There's nothing wrong with being REAL.

By spanky1423• 24 Jun 2008 18:03

C'mon men!!!! are you really crticizing women in skirt alone or the micro skirt itself....???C,mon robin..., let's put some micro skirt hanging on each every post and let us see what this good guiy will do....NYAHAHAHA!!!! how i ever imagine this....be careful touching it...

ROBIN!!!bring skirts to the BATCAVE!!!http://www.qatarliving.com/user/spanky1423

spanky1423's picture

By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 18:01

Oh I know, Alexa, it was just the sight of that that really surprised me. It seemed so, I don't know..contradictory I guess.

People are the same everywhere!

By spanky1423• 24 Jun 2008 17:58

oowww c'mon, let's stop this bitter conversation....come all ye men lovers and i will let you be satisfied with my bats....robin and i will give u what your urge is searching for...c'mon babies....

ROBIN!!!bring them to the BATCAVE!!!http://www.qatarliving.com/user/spanky1423

spanky1423's picture

By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 17:44

The husband, tired of their humdrum sex life, comes right out and askes the wife during sex - How come you never tell me when you (have an o*gasm)?

The wife replies - You're never home!

Alexa, you're right. Of all the things that surprised me when I first came here, the thing that surprised me most was the way the local guys so blatantly ogle the girls in abaya.

Made me wonder, What's the point?

By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 17:29

but they are having them with women! So women are having affairs, too!

There is even this women who answered: "Yes! If he phones me!", when they asked her if she speaks to her husband during sex!

By Dracula• 24 Jun 2008 17:11

Why?? Texonic has been caught naked???

With whom?


By fieryangelinthesky• 24 Jun 2008 17:10

no man will answer nor admit that he is having an affair other than his wife until he's been caught naked.

How to Find Your One True Love????? (http://onetruelovenetwork.com/)

By britexpat• 24 Jun 2008 17:05

As I said, some just like to try it on..

You get these types all over the world.. They think that anything on to legs is game..

By Winn• 24 Jun 2008 16:59

Alexa: It is a beaten-to-death statement that whatever is exposed will be ogled/chased. But what is yet to be said here is that what is hidden is enticing too...

In short, Darned if u do, Darned if u dont!!...LOL!!

Somebody told me, "You are what you eat".Now I know why I'm nuts!!

By Dracula• 24 Jun 2008 16:58

Having spent the last year living in Doha, I'd like to remind women to respect the local dress code.

ie. no shorts.

If you do wear shorts, you will be seen as wearing your underwear on the street, and will get attention you probably don't want.

And even if you are European,Aussie or American and that is what you do at home, topless sunbathing at hotels in Doha is an absolute no-no.

70% around are generally Muslim and baring your breasts is disrespectful.

This leads these men to believe that all foreign women are "Pretty Babies" and will pursue you relentlessly.

By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 16:56

look at the survey here



By britexpat• 24 Jun 2008 16:51

There are many reasons..

Many men like to think that they are Adonis's and must be irresistable to women..

Many just like to ty it on, "in case" they get lucky..

Sadly, some men think that women are out looking for "it"

Lastly, many "locals" believe that foreign women are easy..

Take your pick !

By Vegas• 24 Jun 2008 16:49

Forgiveness is life...:)

By babe fat• 24 Jun 2008 16:44
babe fat

no man will answer this Q...

they like to look and they like to feel that they r still in business...

Take me to the sea and bring me back thirsty...!!!

By oriental_qatari• 24 Jun 2008 16:43

I respect that fieryangel. Definitely owe it to oneself and your partner to call off the relationship before starting a new one than to have an illicit affair. Only brings on too much hurt.

By desertmoon• 24 Jun 2008 16:36

DaRuDe said no offence ...

but women in abaya are more slutty then whose walking and revealing their knees or shoulder or tummy.

and hijab now adays just because of fear from male family members.

It might be that "some /few" women in abaya aren't of the best character and/or wear hijab under male pressure ...but to just say "women who wear abaya are ..."...isn't fair and it isnt true

By King Edshel• 24 Jun 2008 16:33
King Edshel

should be the man right? That is why mean have affairs ... and Gypsy you are right, I saw that in front of me while going out from Fools Gold movie with Irrysa's M&Ms and this guy in front of me was like : oh look at that body, do you play sports? I bet you do ... what a an amazing sexy body you got there ... It was really hard for me to control myself from ROFL in the middle of City Center ...

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)

By babe fat• 24 Jun 2008 16:32
babe fat

i agree with u darude...

and they r tryin to wear it in asexy way too...

Take me to the sea and bring me back thirsty...!!!

By desertmoon• 24 Jun 2008 16:30

uhmm ...that was a very unfair and untrue statement ..darude

By babe fat• 24 Jun 2008 16:29
babe fat

i hope it won't happen to me coz god help him then...

and for any other women coz it's so hurtful..

Take me to the sea and bring me back thirsty...!!!

By DaRuDe• 24 Jun 2008 16:27

but women in abaya are more slutty then whose walking and revealing their knees or shoulder or tummy.

and hijab now adays just because of fear from male family members.




By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 16:18

I was walking with some of my guy friends at City Center, girl walked by in full niqab, and there gaze followed her the whole way, and then they started saying stuff like "I bet she's hot, look at those eyes, look at that walk" Doesn't matter what you do, men will still find ways to be men.

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By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 16:11

Rami, yup they both r at blame. I would also agree if someone said that "men would still look at women in a lustful manner if she wore appropriate clothing" I agree with that too. I will give another explaination later, I have to go now.

People have sexual encounters complicated reasons as in "when wife is giving him a very hard time or if the wife has given him too much freedom".

The bottom line is, a man who respects his morals and his wife and loves her, will never be in an affair.


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 15:55

You seem to be a reasonably smart guy, so I refuse to believe that you are seriously saying that:

Men and women have sex out of wedlock.

But this is because the woman wore revealing clothes, and so it's her fault.

Aren't they each to blame? Equally? If they both want it and they both do it, they are both equally guilty of the act? Why blame the woman?

In the west you can go to a beach covered with topless women, and the men are just lying there enjoying the sun. No is having sex or getting all excited by the idea. It's just normal.

People have sexual encounters for much more complicated reasons than just 'I saw someone who was hot'.

By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 15:42

obviously Jakkass has diferent point of view that is all into it...

By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 15:39

Free will works both ways. U said it urself, men get turned on.


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 15:37

It has nothing to do with my mentality, I am talking based on what I see everyday. Men have free will, thats exactly why they choose to have affairs. If they were in a little control, they wouldn't take such step.

The Mini skirt thing is just one thing that triggers it. On the other hand, if the guy is not satisfied by his wife... now thats another story. Same goes for the women. Now Islam is not a stupid religion that it would put boundaries of hijab for no reason. It's not juts an afair that could begin with miniskirt, but in general aswell, people get distracted and diverted. It's a fact. Where as women get lust when they see men with their muscles lol. It's a very intense subject. Mini skirts r one of the things.


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 15:34

i did not say that dmigtysolomon did...

and oh yeah no doubt her mentality does good thing to a men...

By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 15:33

After all, isnt that all us men are supposed to be...Walking reproductive organs !

Blimey, some guys really give us gentlemen a bad name !



By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 15:30

anyone can wear one, but how it looks is a different subject!!!! Right, Darude??????????

"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"

By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 15:30

Couldn't have said it better myself Jass. :)

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By Zenon• 24 Jun 2008 15:29

Oh and for the record a woman in a mini does have have an affect on me, however I always then choose to look the other wat;)

By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 15:27

agree with that. In some extent.....

"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"

By jassKat• 24 Jun 2008 15:24

Well maybe the men on this thread can answer that xonic. IF you men see a girl in a mini skirt are you compelled to feel lust and feel the urge to have an affair?? I would like to give more credit to the majority of men that they are walking mindless sex zombies. But you xonic, have certainly shown your mentality.



tra la la

By Zenon• 24 Jun 2008 15:24

Rubbish - men have free will - yes they may be turned on by a woman wearing a mini, but hay, exercise that free will or.... maybe don't look if it means you are going to then run off and have an affair! It takes two to tango my friend and therefore both a equally to blame (assuming the lady knows the other is married).

By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 15:22

Just hope it doesnt happen to you.......



By jassKat• 24 Jun 2008 15:20

NO, you said the mere fact that women arent covered up is why men have affairs- they cannot control themselves. So it doesnt matter who is dressed a certain way or why, as long as men see a little boob or leg they will try to have sex.

And, if you are supposed to treat all women the same muslim or not, then uncovered women need to be respected. I believe this was the point the Britexpat was making. So why would it be a womans fault that men have an affair if you should be treating all women with respect???



tra la la

By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 15:19

My logic is correct, a decent woman would do so, a woman who wears hijab by her own choice would do so. But not women who r forced to wear a hijab.

Don't tell me that if a man sees a woman in a micro skirt, he doesnt get lust towards her... cuz thats not true. Any man would get lust, even if its a little bit, it does exist.

Your statment talks about both extremes... u say saudi, they are extreme "forcing hijab", u say women showing their feet are extreme too "too much freedom". If they wear appropriate dressing, a loose shirt, a loose pair of jeans and a decent head covering would protect her too, at the same time she must have respect for her husband and herself. she


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By Dracula• 24 Jun 2008 15:18




Men gain weight, go bald, fart, snore, present smelly socks and underwear to be washed (often by their wives), and still consider themselves as irresistible...

By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 15:14

Mohammad, dont say that man. She is a good person, its just her mentality that has something goin on lol.


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By Dracula• 24 Jun 2008 15:13

Neckkk it's my responsability!


Look for another place!


By jassKat• 24 Jun 2008 15:12

well thexonic according to your logic there would not be any affairs in Saudi because all the women are covered, but yet there are.

I was under the impression that women wear hijab to save their beauty (so to say) for their husbands, not so they are walking affair attractants.

Men were also born with a brain and free will, maybe they should exercise it so as NOT to have an affair. Men are not walking sex zombies and the first girl they see wearing revealing clothing they need to have sex with. What a cop out.



tra la la

By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 15:12

Britexpat, towards all women, not just muslim women.


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 15:12

Ya ya Darude, I'm so afeared, I'm shakin in my stillettos.

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By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 15:11

That is how it all begins ;).


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 15:10

LOL, well Zenon the offers out there. I'm really unsure of what to do for her hen night, you can't even get the Kama Sutra or kinky lingerie here!

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By Zenon• 24 Jun 2008 15:09

Can be a major major contributing factor - not the sole cause sure (except for one night stands). Seems to have the effect of moving the male brain south.

Sometimes I think Islam got it right on the grog issue...

And Gypsy I would oblige your friend but my diary is full and I don't think I can afford it (you see for your friend to endure me stripp1ng would require me to pay her rather than the other way around lol).

By DaRuDe• 24 Jun 2008 15:09

Just be ready next time when i get my hands on your Neckkkkkkkkkkk




By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 15:07

in a higher level and not personal tirades. But these people rather like the other way so I'm giving to their wishes. Truly, I love Gypsy and Alexa, I love arguing with them. Just don't start using foul language, I have a lot of it because I seldom use it. Only for special people.

Tanx for the reminder Da!!!!!!

"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"

By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 15:06

lol Winn, hmmm I don't know about DA, we want male strippers, not naked twigs. :P

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By DaRuDe• 24 Jun 2008 15:05

My friend dont worry wont disappoint you will try Winn to do a pole dance standing in middle of round about at midnight :D




By britexpat• 24 Jun 2008 15:05

Does Islam ask a man to be gentle with just Muslim women or ALL women?

My friend, your rants against Gypsy or other women do no justice to Islam and its teachings..

By all means argue and discuss, but verbal abuse is uncalled for!

By DaRuDe• 24 Jun 2008 15:03

come come i will take you to same really nasty male dancers in abu hamour then dont tell me you were SHY




By Winn• 24 Jun 2008 15:03

Gypsy: How much are you willing to pay? Any fringe benefits?

Da: Dont worry we'll negotiate a package deal..!! :-p

Somebody told me, "You are what you eat".Now I know why I'm nuts!!

By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 15:03

Oh God Dracula, that's not even funny.

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By Dracula• 24 Jun 2008 15:01

16# - "putting up with it"

...if sex still exists within the marriage, it becomes infrequent, routine and boring unengaging - women are "putting up with it" to keep their men happy, and making sure their husbands know that.

Sex is used for trade - to get new shoes, a new car, the dishes washed.

Wives become sexually passive, mechanical, treating their husbands as things rather than people.

@ gypsy: "I'd settle for one right now." try with dmigtysolomon ;P

He loves you!!!! :P

By DaRuDe• 24 Jun 2008 15:01

take this _|_ and take this extra _|_ and enjoy moaning dunce head. if you cant agree then ignore simple




By Winn• 24 Jun 2008 15:00

Thexonic...I'll speak for myself. If I see a good looking gal I'll feel attracted whether shez wearing a miniskirt or a boiler suit!!

and no amount of covering up, IMHO, is gonna stop affairs!! Saying that men fall for women (or hav affairs)coz of miniskirts & cleavages is seriously insulting & deprecating (to men)I say!!

Somebody told me, "You are what you eat".Now I know why I'm nuts!!

By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 15:00

I'm trying to find a male stripper for my friends hen night on Friday, if anyone knows of any?

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By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 15:00

you never see Gypsy in a skirt? we saw everything why you have not? you poor soul...

By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 14:59

I wonder when they will open a strip club here :P


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 14:59

Funny I don't feel lost?

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By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 14:58

Gypsy u had ur pants on unfortunately, that is why not many people came towards u lol. Try wearing a skirt next time and a micro one, then see how many guys will look at u ;)


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By DaRuDe• 24 Jun 2008 14:58

Fucking topic lets Hijack and damn the editor of this topic Lash him till he screams to death




By DaRuDe• 24 Jun 2008 14:57

Lets talk about male strippers




By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 14:56

Relax buddy, there are people in this world who dont believe in anything and try to justify their reasons to fulfill their desiers and try to prove themselves right, which never works, it never did and never will. Just leave them alone, they are lost and will find their path someday, if not then there's always aftermath. U cant try to talk to a tree... which they claim become after they die.


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By DaRuDe• 24 Jun 2008 14:56

hmmm lets talk about strip tease :D




By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 14:55


oh dear lord it is gypsy bashing day today...well guys Gypsy is for fun. no doubt. people do know she is men toy... hey! guys leave my poor toy alone...

By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 14:54

I didn't start anything! :P

I don't know thexonic why can't women keep pants?

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By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 14:54

you will start and then what????????????

"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"

By owen• 24 Jun 2008 14:53

amazing... really amazing.. from reason why men having affairs.. now hmmmmmm...

take some chill pill everyone, and its almost time for coffee break.. :)

[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 14:53

Winn lol, yea not only that, they should even cover their cleavage. It causes distraction. Then they come and blame men for it lol. Why do u think Islam has given Hijab or asked to wear appropriate clothing.


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 14:52

LOL solomon's flipped his lid!

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By DaRuDe• 24 Jun 2008 14:52

now you guys have started here Religion, Sex Gstring Bikini Pants\damnit go wear abaya all of you male female.




By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 14:52

that is a damn good definition of that woman. professinal but with a number of lovers...ha ha ha

By ksarat16• 24 Jun 2008 14:51

O my, every thread is turning into a Religious War Battleground...LOL!!!

Take it easy people, some people follow religion too much, some people dont bother about it all, so why clash when u both are not going to reach a favorable understanding and ruin this SITE with all that ARGUEMENtS and this applies to both your azzes ...

By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 14:50


"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"

By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 14:49

Why the hell can't women keep pants?


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 14:49

A number of lovers eh? I wish, I'd settle for one right now. ;P

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By Winn• 24 Jun 2008 14:49

LOL thexonic....u mean 2 say there wont be any affairs if women stop wearing miniskirts?

Somebody told me, "You are what you eat".Now I know why I'm nuts!!

By Dracula• 24 Jun 2008 14:47

Dear Alexa,

I'm Gypsy,a professional woman with wonderful friends and a busy life. I enjoy an active love life with a number of lovers - among whom may be your husband!


By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 14:46

You're stupid to me, and you have religious conviction. I suppose there's a correlation.

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By anonymous• 24 Jun 2008 14:45

you girl sucks!!!!!!! And your friends have the guts to call us JUDGMENTAL?????????? Who is who??????????? Birds of same feather flocks together. You and Alexa.

"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"

By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 14:41

Ya you're right, we are at the part of the cycle where everyone is starting to get sick of the arguing, yet for some reason we continue to argue.

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By Dracula• 24 Jun 2008 14:40

15# - Falling in love ?

By KellysHeroes• 24 Jun 2008 14:35

Check the men's closet and check the women's closet.

Check the men's dressing table and check the women's dressing table

Check how much do women invest on themselves at the beauty saloon and compare it to men's investment.

Let aside plastic surgeries/botox filling/breast lifting/ etc

Then decide who has brains and where are they located :D

===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409

By fieryangelinthesky• 24 Jun 2008 14:30

opportunity knocks once so grab it... men believe that once opportunity occurs, they can't pass it up! Hahahaha

How to Find Your One True Love????? (http://onetruelovenetwork.com/)

By Rizks• 24 Jun 2008 14:29


Heard about HOT DOGS , watz this pants stuff ??

By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 14:26

lol. I have the vivid mental image britexpat.

I don't know what it is Alexa, people just seem to be getting stupider on this site, maybe the weather brings out religious conviction or something?

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By britexpat• 24 Jun 2008 14:24

You asked "why can't we keep it in our pants"..

If i may use the analogy of a snake charmer.. the snake is hypnotized once the charmer starts playing the music..

Need i elaborate :0)

By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 14:21

Ah of course, so we invite it do we? hot pants is the reason for affairs everywhere :P

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By britexpat• 24 Jun 2008 14:17

The reasons all apply to women having affairs also.

Remember , It takes two to Tango .

Gypsy: The reason it doesn't stay in the pants is because women use the alure to make the blood rush from the brain right down to certain muscles, which then control the actions of a male.

Putty in your hands :0)

By Murali• 24 Jun 2008 14:14

By fieryangelinthesky• 24 Jun 2008 14:12


How to Find Your One True Love????? (http://onetruelovenetwork.com/)

By KellysHeroes• 24 Jun 2008 14:09


===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409

By rayyz• 24 Jun 2008 14:08

I was amazed to see point #4 in the list!

Actual 'conquest' (if I could put it that way) isn't all that exciting. The PATH to conquest is simply thrilling! :)


2800 QL points

Way to go Ray!


By Dracula• 24 Jun 2008 13:49

#13 Calibration? :)


Calibration can be called for:

with a new instrument

when a specified time period is elapsed

when a specified usage (operating hours) has elapsed

when an instrument has had a shock or vibration which potentially may have put it out of calibration

whenever observations appear questionable

By p7cems• 24 Jun 2008 13:40


By Gypsy• 24 Jun 2008 13:37

You blame the women thexonic?? Why the hell can't men keep it in their pants?

Visit www.qatarhappening.com

By KellysHeroes• 24 Jun 2008 13:34

Will add #12: sexuality verification


===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409

By Dracula• 24 Jun 2008 13:33

oh, yeah...# 11 - sex and dinner in same time! :P

By chunglai• 24 Jun 2008 13:20

#5!!! :)

By thexonic• 24 Jun 2008 13:19

nice article, I blame the women thou, why do they expose themselves ? why do they have to wear mini skirts and walk on the street.


You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.


By lipstick• 24 Jun 2008 13:16

#5 says it all, lol


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