Visper, no need to put in english the comments are...
Pilgram, i'm talking here the principles i'm standing...
Well, abuyunus,if your implicating of a political...
as stated above comment, it's a case to case basis....
Bajju, coz its the fact, isn't it?
nice one... :)
Lol Soniya, because you said your sleepy so i thought...
HeavyD, And here's my Welcome Dance for you as...
Good Nyt Soniya.. but don't try to dance when your...
Don't worry Soniya, just enjoy your smiley's..
Visper, no need to put in english the comments are...
Pilgram, i'm talking here the principles i'm standing...
Well, abuyunus,if your implicating of a political...
as stated above comment, it's a case to case basis....
Bajju, coz its the fact, isn't it?
nice one... :)
Lol Soniya, because you said your sleepy so i thought...
And here's my Welcome Dance for you as...
Good Nyt Soniya.. but don't try to dance when your...
Don't worry Soniya, just enjoy your smiley's..