Is it Hawaii you are talking about ? lol
It is a trick.... another way to keep people "in check...
I think woemn need to be a bit more extra careful......
why does nationality matter ??
i would not think a simple thread would generate sooooo...
An apple a day keeps doctor away... if thrown in a...
it is fine .. what's wrong with it? character...
I think it is a bit low. All depends on what kind of...
Sometime you have really weird conclusions...
I dont think they guy got into trouble becaause he was...
Is it Hawaii you are talking about ? lol
It is a trick.... another way to keep people "in check...
I think woemn need to be a bit more extra careful......
why does nationality matter ??
i would not think a simple thread would generate sooooo...
An apple a day keeps doctor away... if thrown in a...
it is fine .. what's wrong with it? character...
I think it is a bit low. All depends on what kind of...
Sometime you have really weird conclusions...
I dont think they guy got into trouble becaause he was...