wat BUT are you talking about... and no not yet found a...
why dun you hop over bout 3 doors to your right and...
Wud you come over to my office to eat lunch or do i...
Long time no see baby... how the weather out there? Oh...
May i have you know that I am a trick of many trades...
Are there DVD players that you can connect your...
Speaking of music... try listening to this country...
Well that is the same for me, although i wud not mind...
Or just try throwing your PC outta the window... lmao...
I will try out some stir fry spinach with a wine sauce...
wat BUT are you talking about... and no not yet found a...
why dun you hop over bout 3 doors to your right and...
Wud you come over to my office to eat lunch or do i...
Long time no see baby... how the weather out there? Oh...
May i have you know that I am a trick of many trades...
Are there DVD players that you can connect your...
Speaking of music... try listening to this country...
Well that is the same for me, although i wud not mind...
Or just try throwing your PC outta the window... lmao...
I will try out some stir fry spinach with a wine sauce...