
Member since: October 2011
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I am working as a Senior Consultant in Lean Six Sigma and Business Development Manager at Process Management International at their Middle East branch located in Dubai. I am a highly experienced Lean Six Sigma trainer and practitioner having applied improvement tools and methodologies in high profile environments across the world generating both tangible improvements and a strong sense of commitment to the change process amongst many participants. I have managed the developments of both trainers and leaders within the context of global programmes, deploying Lean Six Sigma and facilitating a number of highly visible improvement initiatives.
I have conducted postdoctoral research at NASA Langley Research Centre in Virginia/USA. This followed the completion of my PhD degree in Industrial Engineering (majoring in quality and reliability engineering) from Arizona State University. Moreover, I have obtained two degrees from the University of Birmingham / UK: the first is a master degree in Engineering Project Management and the second is a bachelor degree in Manufacturing Engineering and Business Studie

Moreover, I have earned several certificates including the Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate, the Graduate Certificate in Statistics, and the ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Certificate

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