Pajju, when I feel you are grown up to my standards,...
Pajju, why you are getting angry when someone is...
OMG, The sky is falling; where to hide!!!!!..
Lipsy, your view is unbelievable.
I think the...
that my post did not end up in unwanted and unhealthy...
Soniya, Did I hurt you with my post? I didn't mean to...
Pakistan is a nuclear nation!!!! How about that?...
on your post? P for Pajju or something?
What is so funny about it?
Why does it matter?
Pajju, when I feel you are grown up to my standards,...
Pajju, why you are getting angry when someone is...
OMG, The sky is falling; where to hide!!!!!..
...Lipsy, your view is unbelievable.
I think the...
that my post did not end up in unwanted and unhealthy...
Soniya, Did I hurt you with my post? I didn't mean to...
Pakistan is a nuclear nation!!!! How about that?...
on your post? P for Pajju or something?
What is so funny about it?
Why does it matter?