Teacher wins burqa battle at university

The university administration contacted Middya on Monday, asking her to resume duties without a burqa, assuring that she would face no problem. The student union too said the teacher was free to decide what she wore, as long as it was "decent". The general secretary of the West Bengal Students' Union, Hasanur Zaman, added that Middya had gone to the media and "created an issue" when none existed.
While Aliah University that became functional in 2008 does not have any dress code, the student union had told women teachers to come in a burqa. While other women teachers agreed, Middya, who joined in March, had refused to do so.As a result, since the second week of April, she hasn't been able to go to Aliah University's Calcutta Madrasa campus to teach Bengali. Instead, she reports for work at the library on the university's Salt Lake campus.
While traditional Islamic studies are conducted on the Calcutta Madrasa campus, with the student union commanding considerable clout, the Salt Lake campus is the administrative headquarters of Aliah University.
Following the Express story on July 29 of Middya not receiving help from any quarters -- despite appeals to Vice-Chancellor Syed Shamshul Alam -- and of the university putting the issue on the backburner, there had been a public outcry. On August 2, Middya wrote again saying she should be allowed to resume her teaching duties with the new session beginning.
The minister in charge of minority affairs and madrasa education, Abdus Sattar, had intervened on Middya's behalf. "I told the Vice-Chancellor that she must be allowed to teach. We have already given notice that there is no dress code at the university," he says.
On Monday, Deputy Registrar S K Ashfaque Ali, in-charge of the Calcutta Madrasa campus, finally wrote to Middya saying she could teach.
While her stand remains that she is not against the burqa but wearing it should be a personal choice, Middya remains apprehensive about the reception she will receive when she goes back to the campus. "I want the university to ensure security for me so that there is no unpleasant situation."
I went to the wrong University.. :O(
Our Student Union just used to focus on Drinking and demonstrating against apartheid and nuclear weapons....
Yeah Brit, thats the question!
But many times, the student's unions have very strong support from the local political parties and the university administration gives in to the pressure and ultimately the unions run the university.
Student Union told women teachers to wear Burqa.....
That's a good one... Are students there to make rules or study ?
The tale you posted with out the head confused about the student union's statement.
Thanks for the first part of the story. :)
blablu: This is the lik for first part of the story.
blablu:well, I thot I had seen a debate here a while back about the same story where she was forced to wear it or get out. Thats why I posted it coz it was connected. The version of what the student union leader was saying abt it is also diffrnt there.
From the responses it seems the story wasnt posted here on QL.
OMG, The sky is falling; where to hide!!!!!..
What an irony.....in a conservative society a woman wins her choice of not to wear burqa........while in the so called civilised world, freedom loving nations women are banned from wearing burqa and even worst fined also.
Hmmm......intolerance in the guise of freedom.
Good that the issue is solved with out any problem.
Gutty woman-one of those few millions who have no choice
This is why i love my country.
You are right tinkerbell.. am off :)
Freedome of choice indeed if the laws respects those who wants to wear it, it should respect the ones who dont want to wear it too.
Well, she has become a popular figure now...thanks to Media. I hope the "(Non) Issue" is no more.
Get over about the burqa topic Winn. Fed up of the same bashing topic, you know better. ;)
"While Aliah University that became functional in 2008 does not have any dress code, the student union had told women teachers to come in a burqa. While other women teachers agreed, Middya, who joined in March, had refused to do so."
Its not mentioned anywhere in the article that the students / management did not allow her to continue teaching.
As per the article..."The student union too said the teacher was free to decide what she wore, as long as it was "decent".
What's the issue?