. .Speaking of Cebu (hometown of beautiful people...
.Philippines? Boracay in particular? .Maldives?...
.ouchy....call me immature and all, i dont care, i...
.WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?. money, money, money.......
.wonderful boyfriend? . .id rather say, an...
. .junx, call her quick, before ill ask her to...
laugh? that's not funny....grrr...
.that 'tard, ditch him...right now. that's an order...
.yassoo, at this time only ladies are allowed in this...
.it is a fact that nothing is permanent in this...
.Speaking of Cebu (hometown of beautiful people...
.Philippines? Boracay in particular?
.ouchy....call me immature and all, i dont care, i...
money, money, money.......
.wonderful boyfriend?
.id rather say, an...
.junx, call her quick, before ill ask her to...
laugh? that's not funny....grrr...
.that 'tard, ditch him...right now. that's an order...
.yassoo, at this time only ladies are allowed in this...
.it is a fact that nothing is permanent
in this...