Mainly depends on the Bank's Statement. The Immigration...
Damn...He was my Smoking Idol. I'll have to find...
You can bring her on Visit only for six months. After...
LOLzzzzz One_Shot.... I was expecting someone to...
What do you expect, One_Shot? Condemnation from a few...
Having such a media, Pakistan dont need an enemy....
If I am not mistaken, you posted this video before as...
Agreed... I am going to be a guest of Bajju next year...
Fantabulous..... I've been to almost all of the places...
Just go for an Eye Test...take the result, fill up the...
Mainly depends on the Bank's Statement. The Immigration...
Damn...He was my Smoking Idol. I'll have to find...
You can bring her on Visit only for six months. After...
LOLzzzzz One_Shot.... I was expecting someone to...
What do you expect, One_Shot? Condemnation from a few...
Having such a media, Pakistan dont need an enemy....
If I am not mistaken, you posted this video before as...
Agreed... I am going to be a guest of Bajju next year...
Fantabulous..... I've been to almost all of the places...
Just go for an Eye Test...take the result, fill up the...