Think I will go to Silver Cafe.... not the sports bar...
Need some fun on here! Too many soppy relationship...
Get some good books... go out and about and enjoy your...
LOL Supernurse.... this is so when I was 14 and waiting...
Gosh is there a social leper disease going round???...
you are hanging out with the wrong people... BORING?...
dragonfly you are in trouble - already LOL when I...
if u r that worried why dont you stay home and just go...
'The women here are only looking for a meal ticket not...
Tell him that your English isn't so good and that he...
Think I will go to Silver Cafe.... not the sports bar...
Need some fun on here! Too many soppy relationship...
Get some good books... go out and about and enjoy your...
LOL Supernurse.... this is so when I was 14 and waiting...
Gosh is there a social leper disease going round???...
you are hanging out with the wrong people... BORING?...
dragonfly you are in trouble - already LOL
when I...
if u r that worried why dont you stay home and just go...
'The women here are only looking for a meal ticket not...
Tell him that your English isn't so good and that he...