The officials can deny it and say "you brought the slug...
Exotic food....
Is your wife feeling very lonely!
No hamsters, going by your profile info!...
But 2 hamsters are never the same....
Haha Alexa has one bad hamster!...
Adey, may be Alexa is a fan of that Bohemian lady Irene...
Thats the way to have unadulterated fun!
LOL, 2 men lost their way in a foreign land and walked...
Yes yes, by all means I am all ears.........
The officials can deny it and say "you brought the slug...
Exotic food.
Is your wife feeling very lonely!
No hamsters, going by your profile info!
But 2 hamsters are never the same.
Haha Alexa has one bad hamster!
Adey, may be Alexa is a fan of that Bohemian lady Irene...
Thats the way to have unadulterated fun!
LOL, 2 men lost their way in a foreign land and walked...
Yes yes, by all means I am all ears......