If young unmarried girls will be maidens, then girls...
ROFL What an ida!
Are fishes allowed in this pool?
The Thais are good at Sepak Takraw.
The law is not an ass. The Gaoler is an ass!
ES what will be the name of the Sachin religion? And...
Is he elephant?
See the Grapes....
How strange! Hitler in place of Jesus!
Visper we are not in Somalia!
If young unmarried girls will be maidens, then girls...
ROFL What an ida!
Are fishes allowed in this pool?
The Thais are good at Sepak Takraw.
The law is not an ass. The Gaoler is an ass!
...ES what will be the name of the Sachin religion? And...
Is he elephant?
See the Grapes.
How strange! Hitler in place of Jesus!
Visper we are not in Somalia!