Watchingyoo is here to find you a better places to live...
Heh.. Well, am here for business, plus meeting...
Deposit amount...Yes but, about the taken back the...
That sounds hindi kind of food Samya?? U dont look...
where it is located? what kind of food dose it serves...
How about restaurents in hotels! no one mitioned a name...
..could u pleas my lady guide me to -Ciao & - Tai...
..was asking for an advice to wut was agreed on as best...
Watchingyoo is here to find you a better places to live...
Well, am here for business, plus meeting...
Deposit amount...Yes but, about the taken back the...
That sounds hindi kind of food Samya?? U dont look...
where it is located? what kind of food dose it serves...
How about restaurents in hotels! no one mitioned a name...
..could u pleas my lady guide me to -Ciao & - Tai...
..was asking for an advice to wut was agreed on as best...