Of every race, skin color and hair color to be...
You can't teach experience...
Mila??? you believed that BS???? LOL
You can'...
My ex was a blonde...LOL
Don't really care...
Yeah, I kinda got that impression...
I really don't care about looks...
It's all...
The tail was chasing away the women...
Have fun on your trip...
Maybe they move...
Of every race, skin color and hair color to be...
You can't teach experience...
Mila??? you believed that BS???? LOL
You can'...
You can't teach experience...
My ex was a blonde...LOL
Don't really care...
Yeah, I kinda got that impression...
I really don't care about looks...
It's all...
You can't teach experience...
The tail was chasing away the women...
Have fun on your trip...
Maybe they move...