Happy Independence Day to all Pakistanis, and Many...
Check last week Gulf-times...I saw one ADV from...
If not khor then look something in khartiyat.
Yes U can have internet via ur mobile,but its expensive...
Yes i think u can have dual RP, only thinG is u have...
Hi mr_marco!
Which Internet Package ur having...
Well some of the health centers are not entertaining...
Its around 7-8 km
Well normally inside the building its the...
Congrats....Well its normal, don't worry, You will get...
Happy Independence Day to all Pakistanis, and Many...
Check last week Gulf-times...I saw one ADV from...
If not khor then look something in khartiyat.
...Yes U can have internet via ur mobile,but its expensive...
Yes i think u can have dual RP, only thinG is u have...
Hi mr_marco!
Which Internet Package ur having...
Well some of the health centers are not entertaining...
Its around 7-8 km
Well normally inside the building its the...
Congrats....Well its normal, don't worry, You will get...