the_prince, A person that, by circumstances of...
With all respect, how can one separate the Dress code...
genesis, I feel sorry for the kid (I assume he is...
4 months of suspended driving license for killing a 4...
Chairboy, Thanks, it refreshing to see here...
the_prince, besides what i witness on a daily...
warm_heart, Doesn’t the danger reside precisely...
The need to not expose what the quran dictates, gives...
voila', the validation of my words ;)
What is 1 riyal? Just tip the poor guy as he has...
A person that, by circumstances of...
With all respect, how can one separate the Dress code...
I feel sorry for the kid (I assume he is...
4 months of suspended driving license for killing a 4...
Thanks, it refreshing to see here...
besides what i witness on a daily...
Doesn’t the danger reside precisely...
The need to not expose what the quran dictates, gives...
voila', the validation of my words
What is 1 riyal?
Just tip the poor guy as he has...