Intelligent this is an attempt to show you the reality...
To me it is simple terrorism against their own people...
Check the link below:
I guess it is a bit of every thing though I will not...
ok exiled saint, japan were cruel to people but using...
I agree with you brit these countries and people need...
KSA is worst case of violation of human rights. Do you...
exiledsaint do you think support of Israel, Invasion of...
Besides Bosnian intervention could have been under UN....
who ever does it must be condemned in the name of...
Intelligent this is an attempt to show you the reality...
To me it is simple terrorism against their own people...
Check the link below:
I guess it is a bit of every thing though I will not...
ok exiled saint, japan were cruel to people but using...
I agree with you brit these countries and people need...
KSA is worst case of violation of human rights. Do you...
exiledsaint do you think support of Israel, Invasion of...
Besides Bosnian intervention could have been under UN....
who ever does it must be condemned in the name of...