
Member since: July 2012
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ABE Culinary Solutions was formed in 2009 in the Philippines to provide concept and recipe development, production planning, restaurant management consultancy and everything in between for both existing and starting restaurants and food businesses locally and worldwide.

Our Chef Consultants take an active, modern approach but still keep classic business values, techniques and guidelines in helping our clients achieve optimum quality food service operations.
Extensive commitment and desire for excellence drives us to build long-lasting profitable businesses for starters, and freshly revitalized operations for existing establishments. We keep a
keen eye on even the smallest details, which leaves you with relaxed yet optimum operations.

At first, these consultancy investment fees may seem larger than what you have probably expected but your future investment with us is just a very minimal amount compared to the millions of revenue you will be generating from your business via our concepts, systems and management schemes.

We are the engine to your car. We are the driving force behind your business. We make it happen.


Concept, Recipe & Product Developement
Bringing the "WOW!" to the table. We ensure that we create a perfect product that can be comfortably produced by your staff sustaining quality and consistency while maintaining healthy financial margins. We give our clients the option to accept and follow our recommendations. We make sure to lay all the pros and cons for each business model.

Restaurant Management, Production and Operational Systems
Stabilizing operations to the highest peak of consistency. We believe that attention to detail is the key to the success of the food business management system. We develop modern, cutting-edge systems to achieve total restaurant management accountability.

Branding and Marketing Strategies
We firmly believe that branding is one of the major factors that could break or make a food business establishment. We seek ways to create a natural recall of your brand to your customers so that they can unconsciously find ways to spread word about your business and brand. This humble investment may give you years and years of major sales and profit.

Food Styling and Presentation
Before we eat, we eat with our eyes. Before your customers know that your food is delicious, they would have to try it. But without an inviting picture of the food, there would be some point of hesitation. With our food styling services, we eliminate that hesitation by providing classy, modern food display designs that would capture the hunger of passers-by. This is a major sales boosting agent.

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