Just a suggestion:
Maybe you should keep Islaam...
Eaglemmanuel, "there's a general lack of critical...
Thanks for the movie review and giving us the heads-up...
Gypsy---just the typical double-standard activity...
Tallg is right. I expressed this same fact on another...
Sorry if I blew your cover, but you are neither old or...
"Years" is ages. It is ages 6-13.
Is that called Americanization?
I agree with the...
I agree with Heero. The nationality of the expat will...
Thank you SolidSnake; IssOU; and Ataha---and to answer...
Just a suggestion:
Maybe you should keep Islaam...
Eaglemmanuel, "there's a general lack of critical...
Thanks for the movie review and giving us the heads-up...
Gypsy---just the typical double-standard activity...
Tallg is right. I expressed this same fact on another...
Sorry if I blew your cover, but you are neither old or...
"Years" is ages. It is ages 6-13.
Is that called Americanization?
I agree with the...
I agree with Heero. The nationality of the expat will...
Thank you SolidSnake; IssOU; and Ataha---and to answer...