There was a Japanese man who went to America for...
Carrefour(City center)...??? I think, i just saw those...
DHL... Sounds expensive but sure is safe & fast...
Bro, Enroll urself with Indian Cultural Center (ICC)...
Once the 'submit' button is clicked... its out of ur...
Besides Jarir Book store located at Ramada Junction. 51...
Get ur friend 2 drive de old woman 2 de hospital so she...
NICE ONE...!!!
Nice one...
Der is dis stress ball which is de size of a tennis...
There was a Japanese man who went to America for...
Carrefour(City center)...??? I think, i just saw those...
DHL... Sounds expensive but sure is safe & fast...
Bro, Enroll urself with Indian Cultural Center (ICC)...
Once the 'submit' button is clicked... its out of ur...
Besides Jarir Book store located at Ramada Junction. 51...
Get ur friend 2 drive de old woman 2 de hospital so she...
NICE ONE...!!!
Nice one...
Der is dis stress ball which is de size of a tennis...