Heero: Maybe, maybe not, but the best reply i can give...
"heero_yuy2 said And that includes you in your 'suck'...
Heero: Probably i will, after getting married ;)
"platao(to tell him he cant marry a muslim girl lol...
Chichi: "Well, I was trying to point out that "stoning...
Sure i will, i'm hopping some of our muslim brothers...
Think i'm going to take a note about it and ask them at...
Shamiri: Thks, will check it out, i even posted the...
Absolutejaguar: It just confirms that Shariah must be...
Now you got me confused, do you mean that the author,...
Heero: Maybe, maybe not, but the best reply i can give...
"heero_yuy2 said And that includes you in your 'suck'...
Heero: Probably i will, after getting married ;)
..."platao(to tell him he cant marry a muslim girl lol...
Chichi: "Well, I was trying to point out that "stoning...
Sure i will, i'm hopping some of our muslim brothers...
Think i'm going to take a note about it and ask them at...
Shamiri: Thks, will check it out, i even posted the...
Absolutejaguar: It just confirms that Shariah must be...
Now you got me confused, do you mean that the author,...