Tess, there is a law. Law nimber 20 of 2002 if memory...
I hate paying taxes.... wait for that one :)
LMAO.... why do you ask Brit ;)
I love the guy who said he smokes 40 a day but has to...
Sulman why wouldnt you just use the nicotine patch?...
Yeah here it is ....
Actually I think there is.. I thought Gypsy may have...
NFLD is way colder than NS, holy cow I almost froze my...
Heheh, Darude ask her if she wants to go to the Palace...
Firose, we had the same instance with a Nissan. All the...
Tess, there is a law. Law nimber 20 of 2002 if memory...
I hate paying taxes.... wait for that one :)
LMAO.... why do you ask Brit ;)
I love the guy who said he smokes 40 a day but has to...
Sulman why wouldnt you just use the nicotine patch?...
Yeah here it is ....
Actually I think there is.. I thought Gypsy may have...
NFLD is way colder than NS, holy cow I almost froze my...
Heheh, Darude ask her if she wants to go to the Palace...
Firose, we had the same instance with a Nissan. All the...