good morning john qalt, Im good, cant wait for "home...
harsha you'll get it next Tuesday! :P
corleone you are gutsy.
good night harsha...done...
harsha, I dont like half stories. No deal :P
stratty, LOL, you've run her off!!! A lady in distress...
harsha, will you be there to hold my hand...or my...
No way am I checkin it...I need my sleep!!!
LOL manyana...not the easiest of threads to read.
janeyjaney Im beginning to worry about you. Especially...
LOL, I knew your lawnmower would come in handy.
good morning john qalt, Im good, cant wait for "home...
harsha you'll get it next Tuesday! :P
...corleone you are gutsy.
good night harsha...done...
harsha, I dont like half stories. No deal :P
...stratty, LOL, you've run her off!!! A lady in distress...
harsha, will you be there to hold my hand...or my...
No way am I checkin it...I need my sleep!!!
...LOL manyana...not the easiest of threads to read.
...janeyjaney Im beginning to worry about you. Especially...
LOL, I knew your lawnmower would come in handy.