if they do as Qatar could be a taget for Iran as you...
Wise wise words:-) Thank you sooooooo much!...
Do you have kids? I do trust him but that doesn't mean...
I did search everywhere for the letter while he was in...
Working night shift has driven you crazy! I have...
Because I'm in the UK so 3 hours behind you! ;-)...
OK I'm gonna don my long mac, fake moustache (hmm do I...
Yes inside information....us girlies stick together you...
he he he!
OK don't wanna be fired!
I want to delete my account as I'm getting a lot of...
if they do as Qatar could be a taget for Iran as you...
Wise wise words:-)
Thank you sooooooo much!...
Do you have kids? I do trust him but that doesn't mean...
I did search everywhere for the letter while he was in...
Working night shift has driven you crazy!
I have...
Because I'm in the UK so 3 hours behind you! ;-)...
OK I'm gonna don my long mac, fake moustache (hmm do I...
Yes inside information....us girlies stick together you...
he he he!
OK don't wanna be fired!
I want to delete my account as I'm getting a lot of...