Despite many ferocious lethal attack cases by pitbulls...
I would love to see Arnie play a bad guy like he did in...
Amoud, I am with you. You are not alone. Both Seagal...
Most expats don't do their homework to check the after-...
Don't let anyone kid you. There's no such thing as "...
You know what, Alexa? Hong Kong is a special...
Oh... I forgot to mentioned point number 6:
The rule of thumb is to NEVER insult anyone but if you...
Good for you britexpat but I can assure you that my...
... oh... one more thing. I am a chinese but I don't...
Despite many ferocious lethal attack cases by pitbulls...
I would love to see Arnie play a bad guy like he did in...
Amoud, I am with you. You are not alone. Both Seagal...
Most expats don't do their homework to check the after-...
Don't let anyone kid you. There's no such thing as "...
You know what, Alexa? Hong Kong is a special...
Oh... I forgot to mentioned point number 6:
The rule of thumb is to NEVER insult anyone but if you...
Good for you britexpat but I can assure you that my...
... oh... one more thing. I am a chinese but I don't...