I agree they should be published.. just without faces...
The idea behind 'God does not forgive...
Adey & eagelmanuel..
It's the first time...
Sun.. I've seen cases where it was the non-Qatari...
You're right salax.. Atheists don't exist. They do...
Heartlessness, sun?? OMG! You sure have issues!...
It's in Qatar, Kuwait and UAE..Not in Saudi and I'm not...
If he's innocent, then why did the Libyan govt accept...
Why not? Perhaps he would produce milk like some (tyoos...
Shouldn't he have been executed?!
I agree they should be published.. just without faces...
The idea behind 'God does not forgive...
Adey & eagelmanuel..
It's the first time...
Sun.. I've seen cases where it was the non-Qatari...
You're right salax.. Atheists don't exist. They do...
Heartlessness, sun?? OMG! You sure have issues!...
It's in Qatar, Kuwait and UAE..Not in Saudi and I'm not...
If he's innocent, then why did the Libyan govt accept...
Why not? Perhaps he would produce milk like some (tyoos...
Shouldn't he have been executed?!