ye Pajju Pajju kya hai... ye Pajju Pajju kya hai.....
really ?
Nice PS work Buddy :D
once again thank you pranzer and Frdrckk . i deleted...
bcoz the line in ur area might be the old wires it wil...
can u kindly xplain FITT-JEE?
so which 1 was causing the restart problem? thaks...
holly C0W my pc is infected with 4 Trojans.. how...
oh... y u want to know...
and in how many hundred years that road will be ready...
ye Pajju Pajju kya hai... ye Pajju Pajju kya hai.....
really ?
Nice PS work Buddy :D
once again thank you pranzer and Frdrckk . i deleted...
bcoz the line in ur area might be the old wires it wil...
can u kindly xplain FITT-JEE?
so which 1 was causing the restart problem?
holly C0W my pc is infected with 4 Trojans..
y u want to know...
and in how many hundred years that road will be ready...