Inventing a time machine would require thinking and im...
Omg I can't cool down Apple, this is a very serious...
Shopping ? I would only shop for the exotic, cultural...
Awww come on randr, now u got me curious, what would u...
different sexes sleeping in the same room? are u crazy...
I'm against death penalty, who are we to decide who...
Omg just yesterday I downloaded an album "100 best...
For any woman that doesn't know any self defence moves...
Sorry for going off topic, but this reminds me...what...
blue shovel !! I don't know why on earth I thought of...
Inventing a time machine would require thinking and im...
Omg I can't cool down Apple, this is a very serious...
Shopping ? I would only shop for the exotic, cultural...
Awww come on randr, now u got me curious, what would u...
different sexes sleeping in the same room? are u crazy...
I'm against death penalty, who are we to decide who...
Omg just yesterday I downloaded an album "100 best...
For any woman that doesn't know any self defence moves...
Sorry for going off topic, but this reminds me...what...
blue shovel !! I don't know why on earth I thought of...