About my Photography LIFE
From nikormat and yashica where i started at the age of 12 my father thaught me all he know about photography, he was a studio photographer and a lab technician at that time and taking photos of rock specimen from the lab aside from portraits was mostly his works.
As years pass I became a full time graphic designer from 1991 (kala nyo photographer n agad noh). Way back then we only have the apple classic for typesetting, all design layouts were still done manually by hand artworks using airbrush and text processed in bromide final art camera ready and stripping the negatives for offset printing.
Now we have all sorts of software to do the work and every body can become a designer in their own right from what they believe, without the proper knowledge for composition, style and taste they become to what they believe they are. These things takes time and one thing that cant be taught is talent.
Moving on to my story as a struggling artist it came to me again the beauty and craving for creating images i always wanted. Year 1994 a dear friend named Melvin "aka japorms"(NIKON canon shifter no offense to canonites am just saying) was all crazed discussing and in a way have influenced me by telling amazing stories about digital imaging in our world rapidly evolving as graphic designers and our role in our society (as if naman we really have done something for a cause :-)...)and that came and lead us buying ourselves film cameras from canonAE1, nikonFM2 second hand models of course, during that time budget was really an issue to us.
From all those years of being a hobbyist i decided to go professional to earn a living from what i really love to do. I started with the Nikon F60,F80, F75 and F90 using sigma flashes and lenses taking photos of events, weddings, and all sorts of stuff to earn cash for more extra gear in which majority of the photographers today will never stop buying upgrading their gear all for the love of photography and for all their hearts desire as they usually say "the hell with our wives" (sometimes they already for got to make photos by owning EOS1DS with L IS lens would make them pros.. :-).
To cut short my boring story as an artist photographer i will update this gallery from time to time and continue the saga of a full time commercial photographer for the last 6 years taking glamour portraits, architecture, events, wedding, and food shots as my main source of booze, this is what i am now... whats next? hmmm... hoping i would still be doing all these for the next decade.
i appreciate taking your time reading
the life of the worlds most pathetic trying hard to become one of the worlds most celebrated photographers of our time... :-)
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