Pajju A is first letter of English alphabet, B 2nd and...
lol guys... Only filipinas can't come up with...
Won't we be letting her off too easy?
sir dolly what do you think we should just do a person...
Boston I never fell in love.. I may have become a...
People may try to be politically...
svelte hi5!!! I am still waiting for his idiotic...
legal_pad sorry to infringe on your ignorance but there...
ECO I base my judgement on the people I met on the...
Pajju A is first letter of English alphabet, B 2nd and...
lol guys... Only filipinas can't come up with...
Won't we be letting her off too easy?
sir dolly what do you think we should just do a person...
Boston I never fell in love.. I may have become a...
People may try to be politically...
svelte hi5!!! I am still waiting for his idiotic...
legal_pad sorry to infringe on your ignorance but there...
ECO I base my judgement on the people I met on the...