themans, Vodafone was supposed to share towers with...
“Taqabbal Allaahu minnaa wa minkum (May Allaah accept [...
vodafone officially announced prices of iphone on their...
Vodafone does not invite their customers but the...
Were Vodafone folks serious about those unbelievable...
you just need to know 1 thing...its CLOSED!
Whats the cost of the Iphone, can u please elaborate on...
what is the source of this information about Free...
get Vodafone, only QR35 and intl calls @0.5/min, any...
Anybody can write a blog to bash Islam by presenting...
themans, Vodafone was supposed to share towers with...
“Taqabbal Allaahu minnaa wa minkum (May Allaah accept [...
vodafone officially announced prices of iphone on their...
Vodafone does not invite their customers but the...
Were Vodafone folks serious about those unbelievable...
you just need to know 1 thing...its CLOSED!
...Whats the cost of the Iphone, can u please elaborate on...
what is the source of this information about Free...
get Vodafone, only QR35 and intl calls @0.5/min, any...
Anybody can write a blog to bash Islam by presenting...