Oh you Brits (I mean English or do I mean Scots or...
Its a bit big headed isn't it?
Victory attained...
I know my Shakespeare. I understand he was a back door...
That's pretty complicated. No wonder you Brits are so...
Scotsmen are Brits aren't they? What I mean is Scotland...
Its the right time. Wear your boater with pride!
Didn't quite learn that hymn sheet but it seems like...
Alexa, it was a Sunday but not at 3.00am it actuall...
They invented homosexuality at Eton boarding school in...
The woman who did this terrible thing was a parent...
Oh you Brits (I mean English or do I mean Scots or...
Its a bit big headed isn't it?
Victory attained...
I know my Shakespeare. I understand he was a back door...
That's pretty complicated. No wonder you Brits are so...
Scotsmen are Brits aren't they? What I mean is Scotland...
Its the right time. Wear your boater with pride!
...Didn't quite learn that hymn sheet but it seems like...
Alexa, it was a Sunday but not at 3.00am it actuall...
They invented homosexuality at Eton boarding school in...
The woman who did this terrible thing was a parent...