If you take this world as a joke then chances are that...
these women cannot have enough of men bashing and you...
I believe when people join QL there should an...
If you cannot take care of your kids in the Bidda Park...
I have seen kids as young as four with no safety gear...
Demolish the whole city and and then rebuild it again...
You are so right
My advice to you guys.
and stop relying on men. Only then will this cycle of...
the guys who are offering you a hand of friendship...
If you take this world as a joke then chances are that...
these women cannot have enough of men bashing and you...
I believe when people join QL there should an...
If you cannot take care of your kids in the Bidda Park...
I have seen kids as young as four with no safety gear...
Demolish the whole city and and then rebuild it again...
You are so right
My advice to you guys.
and stop relying on men. Only then will this cycle of...
the guys who are offering you a hand of friendship...