How much does it cost a monthly bus ticket in Doha?...
Guysss, I am really not planning to stay in Qatar...
Kinda public relations... with clients and's...
It's an italian restaurant opening in the beginning of...
Well...if the salary is really that low I cant gamble...
Neither do I... :S U scared me guys :S
:( is it really very low? God damn...mum and dad will...
And what about the money, are 2600QR enough to survive...
How much does it cost a monthly bus ticket in Doha?...
Guysss, I am really not planning to stay in Qatar...
Kinda public relations... with clients and's...
It's an italian restaurant opening in the beginning of...
Well...if the salary is really that low I cant gamble...
Neither do I... :S U scared me guys :S
:( is it really very low? God damn...mum and dad will...
And what about the money, are 2600QR enough to survive...