Wooooooooh..........the old schoolboy/girl pencil box...
My cpomments to Gyspys view on Community Guidelines...
BC.......then sweet dreams my Angel
Corn, BC..........I think you should go to the Buddists...
Gypsy for my understanding of your comment, is that all...
Gypsy...............yeah thats the theory.................
Hummer to be honest Gyspys remark "Unfortunatly that...
Da..............you are big enough to look after...
Darude..................just hope you never get in the...
DaRude..............my god you are sometimes as subtle...
Wooooooooh..........the old schoolboy/girl pencil box...
My cpomments to Gyspys view on Community Guidelines...
BC.......then sweet dreams my Angel
Corn, BC..........I think you should go to the Buddists...
Gypsy for my understanding of your comment, is that all...
Gypsy...............yeah thats the theory.................
Hummer to be honest Gyspys remark "Unfortunatly that...
Da..............you are big enough to look after...
Darude..................just hope you never get in the...
DaRude..............my god you are sometimes as subtle...