Truly speaking, I don't know what I am, I mean I wrote my earlier "About Me's" in here trying to be all cool and stylish in a rap style, I mean but then I was just browsing about me's and most of them were so fake, like girls putting in stuff like "Those who are close to me know me, and those who are not don't need to know me" and guys trying to be jazzy with lines like "I am not what I think I am. I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.... :)" and stuff like that.... then I thought to myself, isn’t my about me fake? You know I just made stuff up out of rhyming words and posted it, so today I seriously don't know who I am but what I do know is what I want to be... I want to be like a PENCIL, I want to imbibe in me 5 qualities that a pencil has
1) A pencil is capable of great things, but it always needs a hand to guide it. For me that hand will be the hand of God
2) A pencil has to stop working sometimes and use a sharpener, although it hurts the pencil but then it comes out sharper, similarly the pains and sorrows I face in my life will make me a better person
3) If a pencil makes an error it uses an eraser to correct that mistake, likewise if I make any mistakes I will accept it and then try to correct it.
4) Its not the wooden exterior of a pencil that is important, its the graphite which is inside. I have to first see that what is inside of me is good that paying attention to my exterior
5) Whenever pencil writes it leaves a mark on the paper, I have to make sure that the mark I leave is good.
I didn’t make it all up; I read it from a book called "Like a Flowing River".
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