why don;t you go out with your frinds girlfriend...
he won't adapt here . as a canadian it's easier meeting...
it;s easy , take canadian citezenship and go together...
buy a dynamite . throw it in water. and get 100...
i was in saudi arabia . we had a slogan....
you take a photo .than go to the embassy of origin get...
i suggest you both convert to hinduiism or budhism...
great kids will be christomusliman that would be...
why don;t you go out with your frinds girlfriend
he won't adapt here . as a canadian it's easier meeting...
it;s easy , take canadian citezenship and go together...
buy a dynamite . throw it in water.
and get 100...
i was in saudi arabia .
we had a slogan.
you take a photo .than go to the embassy of origin get...
i suggest you both convert to hinduiism or budhism...
great kids will be christomusliman
that would be...