Muliebriamania...You took my comments the wrong way. I...
"Also the only reason that dog is not legal to eat in...
* you know how many hookers there are here...
We have a similar situation. The owner of our compound...
I didn't need to know that suhail
Italian guys are yummy
You know...the baby formula that we buy has gone up by...
Amy....totally agree.! That...
Trust me, Arab men do stare...and it is in a totally...
Arabs in general have a staring thing....because the...
Muliebriamania...You took my comments the wrong way. I...
"Also the only reason that dog is not legal to eat in...
* you know how many hookers there are here...
We have a similar situation. The owner of our compound...
I didn't need to know that suhail
Italian guys are yummy
You know...the baby formula that we buy has gone up by...
Amy....totally agree.! That...
Trust me, Arab men do stare...and it is in a totally...
Arabs in general have a staring thing....because the...